Why I Still Plan To “Throw My Vote Away” On A Third Party This Year
I have never affiliated with either of the two major political parties. Never. I have never once felt the urge to define myself by one political party or another. I like the feeling of freedom to always vote for whoever I want, whenever I want, without feeling like I have some sort of obligation to a specific party that is urging me to support whoever they chose. Besides, only a Sith deals in absolutes.
This year’s election has raised a lot of stink. It seems that there are a lot of people who don’t like either candidate, but they are still going to vote for their party’s candidate, just so the other one doesn’t get in. That is like going to an ice cream shop that only serves vanilla and chocolate.
“What will it be bud? Vanilla or chocolate?” the owner asks with a grin.
“Well, I actually really don’t care for either flavor. Do you have anything else?” you ask hopefully.
“Nope, just those two.”
“Well, I hate vanilla the most, so I guess I’ll have chocolate even though it makes me gassy….hey…is that rolled up dog poo in there?” you ask noticing the obvious piles on top of the chocolate.
“Yes, it most certainly is. And we’re sorry about that, but it’s the best we could whip up. But isn’t it still way better than plain ole nasty vanilla?”
Now, if this were me standing in that ice cream shop, I think I’d take my business elsewhere so I could find something with more peanut butter in it (my personal favorite).
I feel like this is what I want to do this election. I don’t like the two options, so I’m going elsewhere. The problem is that I am being criticized for “throwing my vote away.” Bologna!! (Or baloney!! Either way is good) Of course my vote still counts. The worst possible thing I could do this year is not vote. That would be throwing my vote away. Not voting means nothing changes. Not voting means I’ve given up. Will a third party candidate win this year? Probably not. But if enough of us who are not pleased with the main choices go to the polls and vote for somebody else, we’ve made a difference. We need to make a dent. We need to show the main parties that we aren’t happy with what is going on. We need to show that we won’t just roll over and take whatever is handed to us. This is America!! What a blessing it is to have the power to choose who leads us. A third party vote may win in 3 or 4 more elections, but it won’t unless that revolution starts now. We need to get the ball rolling to encourage other candidates to feel empowered to step up and feel that they can rally support. We need more options! Baskin Robbins 2 Flavors was a terrible idea. “31 flavors!!” the people shouted from the rooftops. And thus it was given.
So, if you are not happy with Trump nor Clinton, still VOTE!!! Don’t stay home and complain that both options suck. Don’t go vote for the “lesser of two evils” either. Put somebody else on that ballot! In my humble opinion, even a cheeseburger with fries is a better option than those two.
Cheeseburger With Fries. 2016. Hold The Mustard.